canvas wall art print of abstract sky painting

Canvas art prints!

The idea of adding canvas prints has been something on my mind since Day One. I will admit being very reluctant – my hesitation based primarily on quality concerns. By now I’m sure you know how particular I am about my work and I didn’t want my art printed out looking anything like the cheap canvas prints I had seen in Big Box stores. Plus, I wasn’t thrilled with the samples from the canvas printers I tried. So, the idea was shelved and we carried on with originals and our beautiful, museum-quality paper prints.

But the requests for canvas prints kept rolling in from all directions and couldn’t be ignored. So, we rolled up our sleeves and put the idea to the test again. After much investigation, and a touch of serendipity, we honed in on some great suppliers, got samples in from four printers across three countries and, much to my delight (and surprise TBH), all passed my quality standards. Exceeded even! The colours were rich, the canvas bright white, weave tight and the images looked great. Definitely prints I’d be happy to sign my name to!

 canvas art print of a contemporary flower painting

And speakng of signing …

… deciding on where and how to add my signature turned out to be technically and visually trickier than one would think. I typically don’t sign my name on the front of an original painting but rather on the back, and sign in the white border of paper prints. 

gallery wrapped edge of canvas art print

Since canvas prints don’t have margins – the image fills the entire front-facing space with a printed border added for stretching over a frame later - I opted to have a signature printed midway up one side, not on the front. It’s a contemporary placement that allows for my name being visible without it interfering with the brushstrokes on the front image itself. 

There are some more details on my canvas prints here.

Browse my collection of abstact landscapes, signature skies and contemporary flower paintings to discover the ideal artwork that will elevate your home decor, available on fine art print or now also on canvas!
