Ideas & Inspiration

new abstract paintings from Susannah Bleasby

'Pieces of Me'

New abstract paintings bursting with the colourful energy of curosity and the joy of a creative journey

'Pieces of Me'

New abstract paintings bursting with the colourful energy of curosity and the joy of a creative journey

pink paint blob

Think Pink!

Pink isn't just for little girls anymore—it's a fabulous colour that I use in my work all the time.

Think Pink!

Pink isn't just for little girls anymore—it's a fabulous colour that I use in my work all the time.

blush pink abstract sky painting wall art print


'Stilling' is a gentle reminder of moments where the universe asks us to pause, breathe, and immerse ourselves in the beauty that surrounds us.


'Stilling' is a gentle reminder of moments where the universe asks us to pause, breathe, and immerse ourselves in the beauty that surrounds us.

pair of green and blue abstract acrylic paintings

Blooming Underwater: An Abstract Painting Journey

Abstract art unfolds spontaneously, defying prediction and control. My 'Sea Garden'  paintings are a reminder that beauty thrives in the untamed and unexpected.

Blooming Underwater: An Abstract Painting Journey

Abstract art unfolds spontaneously, defying prediction and control. My 'Sea Garden'  paintings are a reminder that beauty thrives in the untamed and unexpected.

three small abstract sky paintings art prints

An idea for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is *the* occasion to show your mum that you appreciate her and all that she does with a gift that says a great big "Thank You!” This year...

An idea for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is *the* occasion to show your mum that you appreciate her and all that she does with a gift that says a great big "Thank You!” This year...

acrylic sky painting vertical art prints hanging in a living room art gallery wall

Art print combinations that make a statement

A modern twist on the traditional gallery wall: a feature set of two or three framed art prints. Complementary or contrasting in theme in colour, a set of art prints...

Art print combinations that make a statement

A modern twist on the traditional gallery wall: a feature set of two or three framed art prints. Complementary or contrasting in theme in colour, a set of art prints...