magenta self portrait abstract painting

My 2024/25 Self-Portrait

It's "selfie" time of year, and my annual self-portrait project reveal!
For years now, and always around the New Year, I do a "self-portrait" — a piece painted just for me, myself and I. A "keeper" for my archives. Evidence I was here, paintbrush in hand, capturing in colour where I am with my work, thoughts, feelings, and brushstrokes. It's a very personal project that holds great meaning for me, and I Iove doing it — as hard as it can be to be this honest with myself and as vulnerable as it is to share.
There were so many favourites throughout the year thanks to the “Pieces of Me" collection, which truly were pieces of me! I very nearly crowned this emerald piece with the self-portrait prize because it just makes the playful, weirdo in me so happy. It's so me!

abstract green floral painting

But, in keeping with the true spirit of a self-portrait and to add a 2024/2025 page to this visual diary of mine, I dedicated a day over the holidays to paint just for me. Judgement left at the door, brain off, imagination on. Listening only to my heart and guided by an intuitive sense of what feels most right most for me in this moment. No judgements allowed, zero expectations, and little plan other than to be honest with myself.


magenta self portrait abstract oil painting

This is me, here and now.  A little bruised from the past year and facing forward with some uncertainty but clearly choosing colour to light the way. Even the darkness has layers colour and beautiful energy. Somehow, all the weird and unusual parts here seem to come together in a very ‘me’ way that just feels right. I see a willingness to explore and poke the deeper corners of my imagination in these brushstrokes, which is exactly the kind of playful curiosity that continues to fuel my work. It’s all very encouraging!

Importantly, it feels a bit brave and daring which is exciting to see. Signed, sealed, and done for another year. Happily adding this little oil painting to my wall, where it will serve as a wonderful purple-yellow-magenta-green reminder of all that good stuff going forward.

Onwards-ho! Here's to a colourful year!

Curious about my 2023 self-portait? You can see it and read the story behind it here. Still want more? I've documented my artist self-portrait project back to 2013 a blogpost.

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