Original Painting
54" x 54"
This painting stands as a true testament to perseverance and reflects my typical Susannah-style quest for something special. I devoted days to this creation – there were at least two fully finished paintings along the way, but they fell into the category of what I'd call 'fine.' To me, 'fine' is the death knell of greatness.
A casual conversation with a fellow creative reminded me of something I had forgotten: the moment I start treating my work as precious is the moment I kill the magic and lose sight of the original intention. I had to risk everything I had worked for up to that point, even if it meant potentially ruining perfectly acceptable paintings, to reach for something more. More risk for more emotion, more impact, more color, more 'me.' It turns out, it was more, so much more than worth it.
'Precious' continues to be available as a fine art print, recreated in exquisite detail on museum-quality paper or as an archival canvas print from the oversized original painting.