blank art cards uk

A lifetime of letter writing on art cards

Did you know I can pretty much attribute my lifelong love of painting and decades long art career to the simple joy of making and sending greeting cards that I discovered as a kid? It was my way of quietly letting friends know how much I cared, and it was the best way I could express my (often a little weird) ideas and humour. And a chance to ramble with my nonsense notes inside. I am still an avid card sender to this day.

Secret notes and art cards.

There's something really special about writing (and receiving!) handwritten letter mail. It’s more than just words on paper; it’s a tangible feeling of connection in writing. I love taking the time to sit down with a cuppa tea and a blank art card to write a note to a friend. It’s a moment of pause and a chance put thoughts to paper and send a piece of myself to a friend.

I've been an avid snail mail-er for as long as I can remember - starting with the days of passing secret notes in school. Yes, mine always had doodles too! Writing has remained my favourite way (and best way... only way?) to stay in touch and just let friends know that I'm thinking of them. And that I'm still alive and covered in paint.

Unique greeting cards for every non-occasion occasion

I’m loving the winter cards I'm sending this year – my paintings 'Winterlake' and 'Winterland' make the perfect seasonal cards! And how could I resist the delicious juicy colours of ‘Berry’ and ‘Pine’ from my collection of abstract cards as a colouful winter pick me up?

winter art cards

I am so excited to get my Christmas cards in the post and to start sharing some of the other little beauties throughout the year.

I hope you're going to take the time to write to friends this year - not just at Christmas but every now and then, throughout the year, send a little extra love and hello through the mail. A unique greeting card with your note on the inside is something I can guarantee feels great and will make someone's day.

abstract skies blank art cards

They're in my shop, along with lots of beautiful, colorful others, for you too.
