Of all my paintings, of all my beautiful skies and pretty brushstrokes, why on earth is this my 2023 "self-portrait"?
Because this oddball is the innermost me. Not the mousey, ordinary gal I present to the world, or the boring, everyday me (mostly) functioning day to day, but rather the imaginative weirdo, the original mischievous kid with an inexhaustible creative curiosity. When I look at this I’m saying hello to the me only I know.
My self-portraits are always abstract. There are no rules to abide by, no others to compare to, or end result in mind. I paint these for myself with no other purpose in mind but to really, truly, intimately connect with self. Each "portrait" has to be a painting that best represents, in terms of style and brushstroke and expression, where I am along my artistic journey at this moment in time.
Trust me - it's a LOT harder than you'd think! But I know it when I see it. The chosen piece is more about the thoughts and feelings I have when looking at, then the actual elements of the painting itself.
I see a continued delight in unusual colours and the way they tickle each other mischievously. I feel a growing confidence to let the weird out unabashedly. There's an acceptance of imperfection here that I really wrestle with in the majority of my work.
This one just makes me smile. It's so weird in a way that amuses my heart. It’s poking fun at the seriousness with which I otherwise take things and is gleefully refusing to conform. Sure, it has a face perhaps only its mother might love, but is thoroughly loved nonetheless.
I also know it will still make me smile a million years down the road and a timeless capture of joy is what it's all about.
More about the inspiration behind my latest collection of abstract floral paintings. Learn about my creative process, love for colour, and why florals have completely transformed my work!
More about the inspiration behind my latest collection of abstract floral paintings. Learn about my creative process, love for colour, and why florals have completely transformed my work!
Celebrate the beauty of flowers in a whole new way with Freshly Picked, my latest collection of abstract floral paintings filled with life, joy and colour.
Celebrate the beauty of flowers in a whole new way with Freshly Picked, my latest collection of abstract floral paintings filled with life, joy and colour.
Flower paintings have been around forever, but I wanted to do them my way—fresh, modern, full of life and with that playful, vibrant energy that makes my work feel like...
Flower paintings have been around forever, but I wanted to do them my way—fresh, modern, full of life and with that playful, vibrant energy that makes my work feel like...
Explore the 2024/2025 addition to my visual diary of artist self-portraits—a playful, daring, and honest reflection of where I am and where I'm heading.
Explore the 2024/2025 addition to my visual diary of artist self-portraits—a playful, daring, and honest reflection of where I am and where I'm heading.